Saturday July 6 – 2.00 -4.00PM
What is this event about?
We would like to invite you and your family to an afternoon of community fun, prayer and creativity where we will paint beautiful stones to mark our freshly planted prayers (written on cards impregnated with seeds). With each passing week we will be able to watch our prayers and flowers flourish and bloom.
Refreshments, seeds, special cards and stones will be provided on the day.

A bit of background to the event
Human beings run the risk of having hearts that become smaller and closed, but if a person invites the Holy Spirit in, it’s like one’s heart takes a great big breath and expands.
Pope Francis
Father Paul has also been reminding us recently about the importance of prayer and how our relationship with Jesus also acts as a powerful witness of our faith to our family and friends.
Pope Francis has this inspiring message to support Thy Kingdom Come –
During this period we are praying that the Spirit would inspire and equip us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our friends and families, our communities and networks. It has been amazing how many varied ways there have been in which people from every tradition have taken up this challenge.
In support of the Thy Kingdom Come global prayer event, on July 6th at 2:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Father Paul would like to invite you and your friends and family to a relaxing afternoon of reflection and fun.
Using special paper infused with flower seeds, you can plant your prayers, have them blessed by Father Paul and watch them grow. Every visit you can see the prayers of your community flourish and inspire you in your daily life, the local bees will appreciate it too!
Add a little flare by painting a prayer rock to keep your plant company, feel free to personalise them however you wish.
it is hoped that everyone who takes part will:
- Deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ
- Pray for God’s spirit to work in the lives of those they know
- Come to realise that every aspect of their life is the stuff of prayer
Looking forward to seeing you all. Please register your interest by signing up on the form in the Church porch or emailing Joan Kent via or Jan Hughes at