My Faith Journey – A testimonial from Brita Coleman
Brita Coleman provides her inspiring testimonial and journey of faith.
Thoughts and Prayers for Ukraine
Stephen Sheridan is half Polish, so Father Paul suggested he might write something on the horrors that are unfolding in Eastern Europe and what thoughts we can draw from it about God’s will and how we can assist it…
A Testimonial on a Week of Accompanied Prayer by Helena Ranson
Helena Ranson provides her inspiring experience of a Week of Accompanied Prayer.
Sacred Heart Activities & Resources on Environment (SHARE)
We are here to help you take action on the environment. Amazing work is already taking place in churches across the country and we are well placed to share news, tips and resources. The SHARE group aims to increase our community’s engagement with environmental issues by providing information and guidance on Waste Management, Food, Transport, clothing, Energy and nature.
Discovering Prayer Apps During the Pandemic by Jennifer Hutton
In this new article, Jennifer Hutton explains how these top prayer apps have helped her during the pandemic and on her daily commute.
Father Paul Leonard’s Talk from Feastcon International
We managed to acquire the full talk that Fr.Paul gave at Feastcon International recently, where he discussed “New Power”. This is Fr.Paul, full of the Holy Spirit and delivering an incredible talk.
Hope in the Pandemic
Lent is time for renewal and we were blessed with Sr.Valentina joining us to talk about how the Pascal Mystery, Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, can bring meaning to what we are living and make us bridges of hope.
Stations of the Cross
COVID certainly won’t stop us with our yearly Stations of the Cross Event! So this Lent, please join us for a virtual Stations of the Cross from the Sacred Heart Church and read along with the downloadable booklet.
Posada 2020 by Maggie Wood
Posada is a chance to host Mary and Joseph to make room for Jesus at Christmas time. Learn how Sacred Heart is celebrating this.